I’m optimistic about education in Australia. There have been some really important reforms proposed for initial teacher education and so far there seems to be in-principle support from each of the states. You can read my June post about the recommendations — and some of the potential obstacles to implementation — here.
The Strong Beginnings (TEEP) report recommended the mandated teaching of core content about how students learn, managing classroom behaviour and responsive pedagogy. The first hurdle has been successfully jumped, but there are many more to go. This post is a short one to invite Australian teachers to hear directly from the profession about the report recommendations. Speakers include principals, middle leaders, and early career teachers from almost all of the states.
What do teachers want in initial teacher education? A response from the profession to the Strong Beginnings (TEEP) report.
Thursday, 16 November 7-8pm AEDST
The recommendation for mandatory core content based on the Science of Reading and the Science of Learning has been a matter of debate among teacher educators in universities. In this online forum, TEEP panel member and AERO CEO Jenny Donovan will make some opening remarks and then teachers and principals will offer their perspectives on the recommendations – whether they think the mandatory core content is necessary, and whether they think it will be beneficial for students.
This free forum will be hosted by Five from Five and registrations are open here. Places are limited.
Hi Tom, we have invited Principals from each state. I think they are fairly diverse schools. Many of them are bringing a graduate teacher along to speak alongside them as they trained recently and can speak to what’s current. Why don’t you come along and hear from teachers?
We are releasing promos with the featured speakers in the coming days.
Thanks for sharing Rebecca, forgive my caution here but I would be interested to know what kind of diversity of voices we might expect to hear from this event? I notice the event is hosted by Five from Five, an initative of MultiLit Pty Ltd and is being moderated by Jennifer Buckinham, which have a stake in the success of these reforms. It would be good to have a balanced perspective of the positives and negatives of such reforms. How were the speakers (principals, middle leaders and early career teachers) recruited?