Thanks for sharing Rebecca, forgive my caution here but I would be interested to know what kind of diversity of voices we might expect to hear from this event? I notice the event is hosted by Five from Five, an initative of MultiLit Pty Ltd and is being moderated by Jennifer Buckinham, which have a stake in the success of these reforms. It would be good to have a balanced perspective of the positives and negatives of such reforms. How were the speakers (principals, middle leaders and early career teachers) recruited?
Hi Tom, we have invited Principals from each state. I think they are fairly diverse schools. Many of them are bringing a graduate teacher along to speak alongside them as they trained recently and can speak to what’s current. Why don’t you come along and hear from teachers?
We are releasing promos with the featured speakers in the coming days.
Really looking forward to it. I am moving from leading a highly experienced department to a department with very recent graduates and some in their final year.
Looking forward to it!
Thanks for sharing Rebecca, forgive my caution here but I would be interested to know what kind of diversity of voices we might expect to hear from this event? I notice the event is hosted by Five from Five, an initative of MultiLit Pty Ltd and is being moderated by Jennifer Buckinham, which have a stake in the success of these reforms. It would be good to have a balanced perspective of the positives and negatives of such reforms. How were the speakers (principals, middle leaders and early career teachers) recruited?
Hi Tom, we have invited Principals from each state. I think they are fairly diverse schools. Many of them are bringing a graduate teacher along to speak alongside them as they trained recently and can speak to what’s current. Why don’t you come along and hear from teachers?
We are releasing promos with the featured speakers in the coming days.
Hi Rebecca, thanks for the response! Thanks for clarifying and for the invite, I’ve signed up so hope to make it along 🤞
Really looking forward to it. I am moving from leading a highly experienced department to a department with very recent graduates and some in their final year.